A Christian Education Ministry
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The Theology Pit

Posts in Bible
Galatians 2:16

The faith of Christ (or Christ’s faith) should be favored here because of the anthropological significance of the hypostatic union. As our representative and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ assumes all we are for our justification. Including our relationship to God through a perfect eternal faith. It is in his faith by which we are justified as he relates to God, not to the Law. To adopt the faithfulness language is to lend credence to our redemption coming through the Law, not merited by us, but by Christ, and we in Christ by proxy. Therefore, to speak of our righteousness coming through the works of the Law by Christ turns Paul’s argument on its head.

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BibleSamson Covatch
Why the Book of Esther?

The book of Esther is an interesting one in the fact that we don’t really know what to do with it. But, I have an idea of why it is important for us and the reason it is in the canon of Scripture.

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BibleSamson Covatch