A Christian Education Ministry
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The Theology Pit

Posts tagged Jesus
Roman Histories surrounding Jesus (part 1)

Every life is a rock that ripples through the river of history. Some skip on the water, some make waves, but few change the course of that river. – A Known Author

In this first section of the historical evidences of Jesus Christ I want to look at the Roman records. I personally find these histories interesting but lacking in some areas. For example, the reliability of some of them are more questionable then others and even though they don’t deal directly with Jesus, they speak of Christians and what they believed at the time. This becomes significant for dispelling the myth that Jesus was a later conflation invented by the Church. Let’s look at the first two of four. 

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Was Jesus a real person?

The first question, or rather, proof I was asked to give, is to this statement. As I pondered at this request it crossed my mind. “Who is Jesus?” Never having been to Mexico I was having trouble narrowing down the countless people who might be named Jesus. Who was this person asking me to prove existed? 

You’re reading this now, saying to yourself, what is he doing? We know he means Jesus Christ, who is said to have lived 2000 years ago. Any idiot can see that. Ah, but this becomes the very point. Why, when the name Jesus is mentioned do we all assume the same basic outline of the person in question. Some of us reading this may have a different criterion we’re using to come to our conclusions and some of us may differ on the details. But, how many of us opened this page expecting me to talk about anything less than Jesus of Nazareth? 

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